Friday, September 12, 2008

How I Love This Little Girl!

This evening when we were getting the kids ready for bed, I was reading with Amelia, and Larisa went into the bathroom and went potty all by herself. I went in to help her and told her how proud I was of her. I said, "You are totally potty trained, Reesa!" She gave me her heart-melting smile and said with sooo much excitement, "And I'm really poopy trained, too!" Can she get any cuter?!
Then, when I was saying her prayers with her, I tried to help her a bit a few times and she stopped and said, "Why are you saying MY prayer, mommy?" I couldn't help giggling a little as she started over completely. I once again tried to help her when I thought she was ready to end her prayer and she said, "Mommy, you're really saying my prayer again!" Larisa is such a complete joy! Even when she is having her moments, I just can't believe she's mine. Last night I had one of those precious mommy moments where I was just watching my three kids and felt like my heart was seriously going to burst from the love I felt for them. I feel so blessed! I absolutely am in love with my kids! That's not to say that I don't have those frustrating moments that feel like hours everyday, but these kids of mine amaze me and humble me.


Nicole said...

Natalie! Larisa is adorable! Thanks for the comment. {and actually reading my long post} Looks like I go to the same hair blogs as you have linked. {its not like Jacque will even let me do her hair though.} But, I can't belive how big Payden and Amelia look. We miss you guys!!!

Kennedy, Brexton, Sadie, Dallin, Jumper said...

Natalie, I just love Larisa. I am so grateful to be her nursery leader. She makes me laugh and puts a smile on my face. Thanks for having such and adorable daughter.

Larry, Shanda, Aana, and Addison said...

I haven't met Larisa....she is adorable. I can't believe how much your kids have all grown up. I am also grateful for those little moments that mean so much in parenthood. Thanks for sharing!

Lane family said...

She is SO cute! She looks a lot like I remember Amelia looking!

We do still have the same neighbors, and they are as cheery and friendly as ever. I finally gave the guy (we call him Mr. Johnson for a code name) a piece of my mind- and he hasn't bothered me since. I haven't had the pleasure (eeeww, eeww, eeewww) of seeing him naked in the basement. I think that would be more than I could handle!

Des said...

Hey guys! I was so excited to get a comment from you on my blog! I love this blogging stuff. It is so fun to see how everyone is doing. Your family is so cute. It's crazy how big our kids are getting, isn't it? I still feel like we should be running around the playground at Washington Elementary but now our kids are doing it instead! It was great to hear from you. It will be fun to keep in touch.

Randall's said...

your kids are so adorable. I really miss you guys and hope all is well. Sorry I have not talked to you in a while life is crazy.
miss you!!!!!

Ash said...

So cute!

Koffords said...

Yeah! Howards are coming to San Antonio! It's hot, but a great place to be. Marian and I really like it. If Rich is doing endo, we'll be practicing in the same clinic, so I'll probably be referring my endo patients to him. Cool. Can't wait to see you guys.