Monday, February 2, 2009

FINALLY!!! Amelia lost her 1st tooth

Amelia has been SO anxious to loose a tooth...she tells me that almost everyone in her class has lost some teeth, some even in Kindergarten! She has been really working on her wiggly tooth and last night asked Rich to tie floss around her tooth and then to a doorknob. We have gone that route before with Paden and it didn't work (I don't think his were ready yet), but Amelia slammed the door and that little tooth flew right out!
Amelia HAD to call ALL our family and was so animated and excited! I was laughing so hard and loved seeing her soooo happy! She really makes life extra fun!
My pictures are out of order, but she put her tooth in this little pillow and we read about traditions in other countries for loosing teeth. When Amelia and Larisa finally went to bed, Amelia said Larisa kept whispering,"Is the Tooth Fairy here yet?...When will she come?...What if she can't find your tooth?" Such fun and precious memories! I am a little sad, because it means my Milly is growing up. Wish I could keep her this age a little longer. But I am looking forward to all the fun and new experiences we'll get to have with our sweet Amelia!


Des said...

That is so exciting! Emma just lost her first tooth this year. She is 6 and she was dying to lose a tooth also! By the way, Amelia is like a miniature you! It's like being in elementary school all over again. She is so cute!

Ash said...

so cute!! I love that you read about traditions around the world....cute! I can't wait to see her without her 2 front teeth!

steph said...

Just stumbled across your blog. Your kids are getting so big. Looks like you guys are doing good.