Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Here a Hair, There a Hair

SO, did I cut Amelia's hair?...........................
No, Larisa's finally getting enough for me to try something other than Cindy Lou-Who ponytails. She really wants long hair like her Amelia's, and she is so good about sitting still and patiently getting her hair fixed.
I was so excited about the fun "heart" hairdos for Valentine's Day. I tried this one twice and Amelia really loved it!
I always had short hair growing up because mine was so thin and stringy. My mom had it cut in little bobs, but I longed for hair like my sisters. Now I get to have fun with my girls and style their pretty hair to my heart's content. They are good sports and love getting their hair done because they get to watch cartoons!
Anyone know how to do a shamrock for St. Patrick's Day? Maybe we'll just have some fun with green ribbons!


Ash said...

I completely missed those CUTE hearts? How on earth do you do it? And, I can't imagine you having stringy hair. IT's so beautiful and thick I just assumed it would take 20+ years to grow it like that!

Tiffini said...

So cute! Can't wait till our little girl has enough hair.

Cathryn said...

Whoa...amazing hair! I think it is a good thing that I only have sons. :) I am not nearly that hair talented. :)

Lisa said...

I am amazed with your patience and talent! Even if Anna was in front of a show, I think I would get frustrated with all of my imperfections...your hairstyles always look flawless and your little girls are so adorable!

Randall's said...

wow, her hair is amazing. You will have to teach me all your fun tricks when Kiley gets enough hair to do fun things like that. We miss you guys and hope all is well.
greg and Tonya!