Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just so I don't forget...

I haven't been very good at posting the day-to-day happenings, or the cute things that the kids do, but I need to do it. I look at my kids and can't believe how grown up they are...where did time go? We were walking to pick up Amelia from gymnastics and Larisa was running about 30 feet in front of me. My heart just melted watching her little body running with all her might to try to keep up with Paden. I remember when Paden and then Amelia were 3 year olds. Every age is fun, but there is something about a capable, independent, tiny 3 year old that is irresistable. I took her to the park today and we had it to ourselves. She loved the one-on-one time and attention, and she surprised me by jumping up and crossing the monkey bars. I held my hands under her after a few bars, but she did it all by herself! The other day we were driving and Larisa said, "Mommy, I just got out an ear wak!" It was so funny to me because Amelia used to say the same thing when she was about Reesa's age. I guess that was their way of saying ear wax singularly.

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